Am I guaranteed a job in STPPS if I am accepted into the program?
Employment and acceptance in the program are not guaranteed. Participants must secure a position by interviewing with school administrators at job fair.
What will I be eligible to teach?
You will be able to teach in the grade level/subject area you select in your plan of study while enrolled in the Teach St. Tammany program. Once you have selected the certification area you will pursue and take the aligned Praxis II test, you will interview for positions that require that specific area of certification.
After you receive your teaching certificate in your selected certification area, you will be eligible to teach that grade level/subject area only unless you obtain additional certifications after successfully exiting the program and fulfilling your three-year teaching commitment.
The critical shortage areas you can select for your certification area are the following:
If you decide to teach Special Education, any of the content areas above must be paired with the Special Education (Students With Exceptionalities) areas below:
- Students With Exceptionalities (Mild-Moderate): Grades 1-5/ Elementary: Grades 1-5
- Students With Exceptionalities (Mild-Moderate): Grades 4-8/ English Language Arts: Grades 4-8
- Students With Exceptionalities (Mild-Moderate): Grades 4-8/ Math: Grades 4-8
- Students With Exceptionalities (Mild-Moderate): Grades 4-8/ Science: Grades 4-8
- Students With Exceptionalities (Mild-Moderate): Grades 6-12/ English Language Arts: Grades 6-12
- Students With Exceptionalities (Mild-Moderate): Grades 6-12/ Math: Grades 6-12
Please note: Those who select Students With Exceptionalities as their teaching area will receive certification in their content/grade level area and certification in Special Education (Students with Exceptionalities) while enrolled in the program. Participants can only teach in SWE positions while in the Teach St. Tammany Program.
What tests do I have to take?
Praxis II (Content Knowledge Exams) must be taken and passed prior to applying for the program.
The test you take depends on the content area you are going into and are eligible to receive certification in. The shortage areas you may choose from and the aligning content exam(s) you are required to take are below.
Please note: Based on new LDOE requirements, applicants interested in teaching Students With Exceptionalities (Special Education) need to receive a passing score on the content/grade level Praxis II test and the Teaching of Reading test before applying. Additional Special Education Praxis tests will be taken while enrolled in the Teach St. Tammany Program.
View the requirements and schedule a test at
The test you must take for each teaching area is listed below.
English Language Arts: Grades 4-8
Take Praxis test #5047
Take Praxis test #5205 (if interested in teaching Students with Exceptionalities – New Requirement)
English Language Arts: Grades 6-12
Take Praxis Test #5039
Take Praxis test #5205 (if interested in teaching Students with Exceptionalities – New Requirement)
Math: Grades 4-8
Take Praxis Test #5164
Take Praxis test #5205 (if interested in teaching Students with Exceptionalities – New Requirement)
Math: Grades 6-12
Take Praxis Test #5165
Take Praxis test #5205 (if interested in teaching Students with Exceptionalities – New Requirement)
Science: Grades 4-8
Take Praxis Test #5442
Take Praxis test #5205 (if interested in teaching Students with Exceptionalities – New Requirement)
Elementary: Grades 1-5
Take Praxis test #5001 (Includes four subtests: Reading Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science) AND Praxis test #5205 Teaching of Reading
Take Praxis test #7001 (Includes four subtests: Teaching of Reading, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science)
All candidates must pass the following while enrolled in the program:
- Principals of Teaching & Learning (PLT): Grades K-6 for grade levels 1-5
- Principals of Teaching & Learning (PLT): Grades 5-9 for grade levels 4-8
- Principals of Teaching & Learning (PLT): Grades 7-12 for grade levels 6-12
Candidates who decide to teach Students With Exceptionalities (Special Education) must also pass the following while enrolled in the program:
- Mild-Moderate Pedagogy – Special Education: Foundational Knowledge Praxis Exam #5355
How do I schedule a Praxis test?
View the requirements and schedule a test at